Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cheap Eats, Post #1

So I only said that writing short posts rather than novellas might help me get more done. There was absolutely no guarantee there. So while I'm starting things that I don't complete in a timely manner, let's start a new series! Here's the first of what I'm sure will be many, many posts (possibly hundreds!) on meals bought for under, oh I don't know, $2 American. 

Noodle soup with fishballs! Actually really, really good. Garlicky and savory and delicious. 
35 Thai Baht, which comes out to $1.14. Chopsticks level required: intermediate to advanced. The noodles are slippery. 
And even though in future these posts will probably just be one or two photos, here are some bonus photos of the lunches available for sale in my school's canteen. To be honest I don't really remember the pricing, so I've estimated. I definitely never spent more than 50 Baht, though. 
50 Thai Baht, $1.63.Congress, take note: frozen pizza is not a vegetable. Vegetables are vegetables.  
The lunch pictured above was my favorite: stir fried vegetables and chicken over rice with a wedge of omelet and a chicken tender. Finish with pineapple and green mango for dessert.  

But there were other options, like noodle soup with sliced pork:
40 Thai Baht, $1.31. Broth is added when you buy it so it doesn't get cold. 
Unlike in the States, the kids have a lot of options (although it's admittedly mostly some variation on meat and/ or vegetables over rice and/ or noodles). The canteen is lined with about 15 stations like the one pictured below.

For some of us, though, some options were more enticing than others. 
Not big on mollusks for lunch. Pretty shells, though. 

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